Zero moment of truth (ZMOT) in marketing

Purpose is a sense of determination and the reason why we do things. In this regard, marketing has different purposes and a well- thought definition of this is required in order to achieve a desired aim or goal.  In a previous blog post called ‘How to start a strong marketing strategy’, I have discussed two initial questions to start any marketing endeavour. Here it is a continuation of those ideas:

Marketing objectives definition

The objectives definition is the end result expect after a marketing effort and they are usually linked to a desired condition. The aim of marketing might be growing sales (through wider distribution, promotion and sales); adding value (give customers extra benefits); extending the brand online; reinforcing brand values in a totally new channel; getting closer to customers (by tracking them, asking them questions, creating a dialogue, learning about them); saving costs of services. Therefore, knowing why as a brand you are investing your resources is something that needs to be carefully analysed.

Understand the purchasing process

Understand how people make a purchasing process is another aspect that helps to define the purpose or desired outcome Traditionally, the consumer- decision making process comprehend five stages: 1) problem recognition, 2) information search, 3) evaluation of alternatives, 4) purchase decision and 5) post purchase evaluation.  However, in the current world, the purchasing consumer process does not happen in a tidy and sequential way. According to google, companies have micro moments to attract their potential consumer, this is called Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) and it refers to be in present as much as possible in different platforms, so brands stand out from their competitors when consumers are ready for taking a decision.

When a potential customer has a need or want, it could come from an internal or and external source. Internal search is within the limits of previous consumer experiences. While external search gathers information from different sources such as family, friends, the internet, traditional advertisement tools and so on. The main aim of any brand, is to influence and be present in every stage of the purchasing process.

To illustrate this, The Grounds of Alexandria , a themed local restaurant has strong social media presence where they have carefully look after every detail in order to be relevant and stand out from other restaurants. The Instagram of the Grounds of Alexandria is bombarded by photos of their amazing plating, deco for events and they show off their unique style. Whilst in Facebook they feature their events and website blogs. This generates customers interactions with a massive number of followers, likes, comments and shares therefore the grounds has managed to be present online. In other words, if an individual want to eat out, there will be information that generates engagement and people will have the brand in mind.

To summarise, brands need to define objectives and understand the purchasing process in order to be present as a brand.

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